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Im Veranstaltungskalender sind ausgewählte nationale und internationale Konferenzen, Messen und Tagungen zum Thema Wissensmanagement zusammengefasst und durch ics-Import z.B. direkt in Outlook integrierbar.
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KM Asia 2013
12.November 2013 - 14.November 2013Singapur
The 13th annual KM Asia will take place in Singapore on 12-13 November 2013 with a day of post conference workshops that allows you to control your learning on 14 November 2013.
This truly pan-Asian knowledge management conference can not be missed. 3 days of sessions and workshops presented by the leading knowledge professionals from across Asia and the world will deliever the fresh ideas your organisation needs.
10 reasons to attend this year's conference:
- Fifteen practitioner case studies
- Five MAKE award winners
- Thought leadership from Nancy Dixon, Dave Snowden, Ron Young and David Gurteen
- Guest speaker from the Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore on what can be learned from social media
- Mixed participatory learning style – presentations and conversations
- 75 minute Gurteen knowledge café
- A focus on engagement – strategies and techniques for getting buy-in from senior management and colleagues
- SingTel, Asia’s leading communications company on their enterprise social network
- Speakers from ten countries
- Thirteen Asian speakers, with experience of managing knowledge in local cultures
"There are exciting KM initiatives happening across Asia. A great deal
of my work is now in China, so Asia is on my mind. Let’s plan to learn
from each other at the conference – that’s the best way to
make Asia a leader in KM."
Nancy Dixon, Common Knowledge Associates
The final day of the event will give you the chance to select two half-day workshops that will be presented by KM gurus from around the KM community. These workshops will provide more tailored, in-depth learning and the opportunity to closely interact with the world's thought leaders in KM.
To book your place please email or call +65 3108 0247